First up, we have some eBay listings. According to the seller, this sack of pucks is "great for practicing your shot or stick handling." Habs fans: keep your fingers crossed that Bob G. places a bid offering Mike Ribeiro in return for them. Never mind that eBay will only allow numeric bids. Let Bob work his magic.
Here's another bargain. The seller says, "There is some staining..." Ew. How the hell does a second-"hand" cup accumulateseven eight bids???
While we're on the subject of potty humour... Do you suffer from constipation? Hockey's Future can help.
On a political note, here are a couple of causes worth fighting for.
Something for the geeks: "Hockey pools for profit: A simulation based player selection strategy." It's an interesting read, but it won't dissuade me from my current two-step strategy for hockey pool dominance: intimidation through extensive use of profanity, followed by blatant cheating.
Finally, Sheldon Cohen's short film adaptation of Roch Carrier's "The Hockey Sweater" is now available online at nfb.ca.
Wow, 200 posts. What a long, strange trip it's been. Now, I'm afraid Sisu Hockey must go on a brief hiatus (a couple of months at the most) and take a rest from the breakneck pace of posting the last few weeks. There are just too many other things on the go at the moment for me to maintain the quantity and quality of content that my readers have come to expect. Hey! Quit scoffing!
Here's another bargain. The seller says, "There is some staining..." Ew. How the hell does a second-"hand" cup accumulate
While we're on the subject of potty humour... Do you suffer from constipation? Hockey's Future can help.
On a political note, here are a couple of causes worth fighting for.
Something for the geeks: "Hockey pools for profit: A simulation based player selection strategy." It's an interesting read, but it won't dissuade me from my current two-step strategy for hockey pool dominance: intimidation through extensive use of profanity, followed by blatant cheating.

Finally, Sheldon Cohen's short film adaptation of Roch Carrier's "The Hockey Sweater" is now available online at nfb.ca.
Wow, 200 posts. What a long, strange trip it's been. Now, I'm afraid Sisu Hockey must go on a brief hiatus (a couple of months at the most) and take a rest from the breakneck pace of posting the last few weeks. There are just too many other things on the go at the moment for me to maintain the quantity and quality of content that my readers have come to expect. Hey! Quit scoffing!